Urban Data Challenge: Zürich | San Francisco | Geneva
Couple of folks at the urbanprototyping.org are running a data challenge which may be just right for this audience, take a look!
Below quote is from http://urbanprototyping.org/prototype/challenges/urban-data-challenge-zurich-sf-geneva/:
What’s the heartbeat of your city? Does data make your pulse race?
“Buses, trams, bicycles, pedestrians, and cars zoom about modern cities like blood pulsing through the body. But with urban growth comes challenges—one of them is how to improve transportation. Luckily, advances in technology combined with active open data and open source movements mean the citizenry can increasingly become part of the solution. Unclog the arteries, stimulate circulation. The Urban Data Challenge seeks to harvest the innovative and creative power of communities around the world to explore urban data sets through visualization. Designers, programmers, data scientists, and artists alike are invited to take up the challenge: merge and compare mobility data sets from three cities—San Francisco, Geneva, and Zurich—and draw meaningful insights. Winning projects will showcase the power of open governmental data and facilitate the knowledge exchange between cities. Juried prizes include round-trip airfare to one of the participating cities and funding from Fusepool, the European / Swiss Datapool, for developing the project into an app.”
February 6th: Launch events in San Francisco, California at swissnex→ and Geneva, Switzerland at the 2013 Lift Conference→
February 8th: Opendata.ch Hackathon, Lift Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, Register→
February 23rd: International Open Data Day Hackathon, San Francisco, California at GAFFTA; Meet-up in Zurich, Switzerland
April 8th: Awards Ceremony, San Francisco, California and Zürich, Switzerland
[see more here]
ps. Happy 2013 to all of our blog followers!