Joint International Conference on
Theory, Data Handling and Modelling in
GeoSpatial Information Science
Hong Kong, 26-28 May, 2010
ISPRS WG II/6 session on Geographical Visualization and Virtual Reality
Call for papers
The International Congress on Modelling and Simulation 2009,Cairns, Australia.
Landscape Visualisation in Support of Management Decisions.
The congress brings together a broad spectrum of scientists who apply various mathematical modelling, simulation, statistical, engineering, spatial and computer science methodologies and skills in solving practical problems coming from a wide range of endeavours including environmental and global change modelling, water resources management, health care, biological simulation and engineering.
There are many tools and techniques available for visualising landscape processes and condition (existing and future). Visualisation can provide a window to complex biophysical and socio-economic models and can assist communities, industry and decision-makers better understand landscape condition and the likely impact of land management decisions.
The session will provide a forum to report and critique the latest developments and applications in landscape visualisation. Papers that describe the application and/or recent developments of landscape visualisation technologies such as digital globes, online collaborative environments, computer gaming engines, virtual reality and augmented reality are encouraged.
The session will be run in conjunction with ISPRS Working Groups II 6 – Geographical Visualization and Virtual Reality and WG II 7 – Spatial Decision Support Systems:
For more details email Dr Chris Pettit (Dr Christopher J. Pettit)